YPV Sadhna is an application by Yoga Prana Vidya group for helping people understand, learn and practice various Sadhnas or spiritual practices for improving their physical, emotional and mental conditions. You can learn Rhythmic Yogic Breathing to charge up your body in just 5 minutes, with a lot of other benefits. You can enjoy and have harmonious relationships with everyone by mastering the art of forgiveness. You can learn Planetary Peace Meditation and not only get tremendous benefits from the Spiritual energies generated during meditation but also become a channel to spread peace, love, kindness and spirit of forgiveness in the world.
All the content and audios are available in Telugu language in this app.
YPV Sadhna是瑜伽普拉纳维迪亚组帮助人们了解,学习并实践各种Sadhnas或精神的做法对于提高他们的身体,情绪和精神状态的应用程序。你可以学习节奏瑜伽呼吸,你的身体充电,在短短的5分钟,用了很多其他的好处。您可以享受和通过掌握宽恕的艺术与大家和谐的关系。您可以了解行星和平冥想,而不是只能从冥想中产生的精神能量巨大的利益,但也成为传播和平,爱,善良和宽容精神,在世界的通道。